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Building Resilient Infrastructure And Communities (BRIC)

What can you do now to protect your area from disaster?

Identify potential shovel-ready, BRIC-eligible hazard mitigation and resiliency projects

A key component to success is frontloading — early identification of potential projects that are technically feasible, programmatically eligible, and cost effective. This analysis starts with the review of planning studies, hazard/risk analyses, feasibility studies, capital project plans, new budgetary need requests, and previous Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) applications.

Go beyond project eligibility

The identification of “good” BRIC projects requires experience. It takes a significant amount of time and resources to fully develop mitigation applications. Current FEMA guidance allows projects that appear eligible to move forward to the intensive application development phase, when in fact such projects may not be feasible, be cost effective, or otherwise meet numerous FEMA requirements. Therefore, a further qualitative triaging is needed beyond basic eligibility. Additional vetting for program feasibility, cost effectiveness, and the likelihood of achieving the intended implementation outcome, prioritizes the more viable potential projects and reduces the time and money spent chasing “bad” projects.

How The Craig Group Partners Can Help!

We can assist communities to take advantage of this funding source. Our team can help communities to further develop their projects into BRIC applications. Support from our experts might include the following services:

  • Developing a detailed Scope of Work (SOW) including the location, purpose, objectives, approach, feasibility, expected outcomes and benefits of the activity.

  • Drafting a work schedule for all tasks identified in the SOW.

  • Composing a cost estimate and narrative that describes all anticipated costs associated with the SOW.

  • Completing a well-documented Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA).

  • Gathering and assessing sufficient information about potential impacts on environmental resources and/or historic properties in the project area.

  • Accounting for other project considerations, including shovel readiness and duplication of funds.


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